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6 Amazing Benefites Of Manjistha Powder | Uses Of Manjistha Powder

What Is Manjishta Powder ?  Scientifics name of manjishta powder.

Manjistha, scientifically known as Rubia cordifolia, is a type of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family. Manjistha is an evergreen herbaceous climber or creeper with long, slender, quadrangular stems that can be prickly or glabrous at times. It has thick, long, cylindrical bark that is red in color. On the stems, the leaves are arranged in a whorl of ovate or heart-shaped, pointed leaves. The blossoms are tiny, greenish white and organized in an extended group. Ripe blossoms are trailed by little globose berries that are at first green going in to somewhat blue dark, or ruddy purple as they mature. Typically, the fruits contain tiny, globose seeds. Manjistha, a creeper plant, climbs structures primarily using tiny hook-like structures on its stems and leaves.

 To see more about this product clik  Naturmeds manjistha powder 

Manjishta powder uses as therapeutic in traditional ways from hundreds of years

  • In the past, Manjistha has been used to treat wounds, intestinal worms in animals, maggots, dysentery, and liver fluke.
  • Manjistha is frequently used to clean blood. It has numerous other remedial properties like calcium station impeding, hostile to diabetic, against stress, and against platelet.
  • It is used to treat skin conditions and has anticancer activity.
  • Manjistha's anthraquinones have a wide range of biological effects, including antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, antifungal, immunomodulatory, hypotensive, analgesic, antimalarial, antioxidant, antileukemic, and mutagenic properties.


Manjistha's benefits:

1.The Use of Manjistha to Treat Acne

Acne and pimples can be common on the skin of people with a Kapha-Pitta dosha. As indicated by Ayurveda, an irritation of Kapha increments sebum creation which obstructs the pores. As a result, both whiteheads and blackheads appear. Additionally, red papules (bumps) and pus-filled inflammation result from an aggravation of Pitta. Manjistha aids in the elimination of clogs and inflammation by balancing Kapha and Pitta.

2.Benefits of Manjistha for Diabetes Management

Diarrhea can be effectively managed with Manjistha. In Ayurveda, diarrhea is referred to as atisar. It is brought on by poor diet, contaminated water, toxins, mental stress, and Agnimandya, also known as a weak digestive fire. Vata is aggravated by all of these things. The aggravated Vata brings fluid from various body tissues into the intestine and mixes it with the stool. Diarrhea or loose, watery motions are the results of this. Controlling diarrhea is made easier with Manjistha. This is on the grounds that it works on stomach related fire because of its Deepan (starter) Pachan (stomach related) properties. As a result, the stool becomes thicker and moves less frequently. Due to its Kashaya (astringent) nature, Manjistha also controls bleeding.

3.Anticancer Advantages of Manjistha

Does manjishta causes cancer? Several time we heard about this. Some studies shows that what happen cyclic hexapeptides and quinones of Rubia showed huge anticancer action against different multiplying cells.

Cyclic hexapeptide had antitumor activity against leukemia cell lines that was comparable to that of deoxy-bouvardin but lower than that of vincristine.

4.Benefits of Manjistha for Wound Healing

Manjistha helps in quick healing of the wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin. A paste of Manjistha powder with coconut oil helps in quick healing and reduces inflammation. This is due to its Ropan (healing) and Pitta balancing properties

5.The Use of Manjistha to Treat Psoriasis

The antiproliferative properties of Manjistha extract can help treat psoriasis.

Manjistha's ethanolic root extract has significant antiproliferative properties.

6.Benefits of Manjistha for Preventing Liver Damage

In numerous animal studies, the extract of manjistha was found to be hepatoprotective, which means that it prevented liver damage.

In a rat model, Rubiadin, a significant component of Manjistha root extract, also demonstrated potent hepatoprotective activity against liver damage.



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