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Naturmed's lindi piper powder

Regular price Rs. 200.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 200.00
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100% pure and natural without preservatives
herbs sourced from natural sources
naturmed's varahi kand powder is made from Fruit of piper Longum

Benefits if Lindi Piper :-

1. Lindi Piper is used in Insomnia, also called sleeplessness; is a disease in which the person becomes unable to sleep or rest properly.
It cures digestion related disorders and results in sound sleep.It is taken with Jaggery.

2. Lindi Piper helps in head ache when administered with other herbs like Black pepper and ginger.

3. Chewing of Lindi piper with Turmeric and Mustard oils gives relief from Tooth Ache.

4. Lindi piper when given with Long pepper and Cardomon helps to cure heart disorders and Constipation.

5. For Piles-
Give 1/2 teaspoon of long pepper powder, roasted cumin seeds and a little amount of rock salt with butter milk.
Give this mixture twice a day on empty stomach.
Grind equal quantities of long pepper, rock salt and goat’s milk.
Apply this paste on boils.

6. For Obesity-
Give 2 gm powder of its root with honey; thrice a day.
Continue this for few weeks. It cures obesity.
Keep in mind, after taking the dose; do not take anything solid except water at least for n hour.
This will surely help reduce obesity.

7. For Hiccoughs-
Mix equal quantities of powder of long pepper and liquorice root.
Mix equal amount of sugar to it.
Give 3 gm of this mixture with the juice of lime and water.
It cures hiccoughs and vomiting too.
This can also be taken with honey followed with water.

8. For Liver enlargement-
Give 2-4 gm powder of long pepper with 1 teaspoon of honey; twice a day.
It cures liver enlargement.
Or, take the decoction of long pepper root.
It promotes digestive fire and cures vata and kapha disorders.